Counting Down
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Counting Down


My dear mother was always saying to me “You mustn’t wish your life away!” As child I would be continuously be looking forward to certain events like school holidays, my birthday or Christmas! Now the older I get, the more” time flies” and I’m always wishing there were more days in a week! I’m currently writing this surrounded by bags of stock as I am preparing for the wonderful Penshurst Vintage Christmas Fair on Saturday. It’s renowned for stunning displays and I really enjoy curating a special festive themed stall. I have just 2 days to get all my treasures priced and work out how to fit all the bags and boxes in Mabel (my little Fiat 500).

In family news my son and his wife are expecting their first baby so my husband and I are getting very excited about the arrival of our new grandchild. We have all been counting down the days to the due date which is now a week ago so the waiting continues!    

Today is the last day of October so I wish you a Happy Halloween and remember it’s only 55 sleeps until Christmas!


Wishing you all the best,

